Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Apa Kejadahnya..........

Peraturan peraturan peraturan...........what a bore!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Rules are made to be broken or is it??  When you are at my age (dah nak pencen n sudah masuk alam warga 'golden era') what's all the fuss about eh?  Old people or should i say 'old staff' should not be burdened with new rules anymore.......but who's going to stand up and champion us here?  Frankly younger staff are feeling the tension too and they still have many years to endure the rule unless someone clever enough decides to bend the rules a bit ...Inilah punca ke'tensionan' kami semua tua and muda ....

Bermula 2 Mei baru-baru ini semua anggota hendaklah dengan rasminya mencatat dalam buku khas 'Buku Catatan Keluar/Masuk Anggota' menyatakan tujuan urusan itu rasmi or tidak rasmi.  'Nak turun makan di kantin pun kena catat dalam buku ini'  maklum pegawai yang memberi briefing yang panjang lebar mengenai peraturan yang 'terpaksa' diikuti oleh semua anggota tak kira kau ni pegawai ke, anggota sokongan ke..di satu perhimpunan anggota pada satu pagi ahad... apa kejadahnya ni! pergi makan di kantin pun kena tulis?   Ok....it must be because of  the lackadaisical attitude of govt staff all over the country before that made the people in power to 're-introduce' this rule and be firmed about it.  Apart from the book, a form must be filled in stating your personal reasons leaving the office for such and such hours unless its for official duties which make it all the more stifling and urggggggh.  Well...happy are the people who can follow all rules to a T and granted the excellence award too every year eventhough you and i know how our work here is carried out. 


Teh Ani said...

sesuailaa dgn nama government servant... servant mana boleh buat suka hati hahaha

naniasda said...

suka lah dio...you've retired frm all this hocus pocus whatever stinking rules..(jelir lidoh) haha

Daiyan's Giant Caterpillars (Part II)

                                      CEO of RapidKL's tweet inviting Daiyan to visit LRT depot...                          ...