(wahai Muhammad), "Aku berlindung dengan (Allah) Tuhan yang menguasai
waktu Subuh. Daripada kejahatan makhluk-makhluk yang Dia ciptakan. Juga
daripada kejahatan malam apabila ia gelap-gelita. Serta daripada kejahatan
tukang sihir wanita yang menghembus-hembus pada simpulan-simpulan (dan
ikatan-ikatan). Dan daripada kejahatan orang yang hasad dengki apabila dia
melaksanakan kedengkiannya." [Surah al-Falaq: 1-5]
Bagaimana hendak bercerita detik-detik kecemasan yang telah dilalui pada malam Khamis minggu lepas? Sebabnya belum pernah terjadi perkara yang agak aneh dan pelik ini dalam keluarga saya...yelah boleh dianggap paranormal jugak kalau dah badan melayang daripada katil dan menghentam dinding yang berada lebihkurang 2 kaki daripada katil. Tapi itulah yang terjadi kepada suami semasa kebanyakan manusia sedang lena tidur dibuai mimpi tapi agaknya ramai jugak yang berjaga pada malam itu nonton semifinal Euro Cup antara Portugal dan Spain.
Hubby tidak nonton perlawanan tersebut kerana pada paginya terpaksa drive kereta ke
In English pulak...
I don't know how to put into words what actually happened last Thursday night or rather in the early morning around 3 a.m. It's being over a week and I still felt like it was just a bad nightmare. It's the sight of blood blood blood that is still crowding my mind and truth be told I have not seen such a lot of blood being shed at any one time right in front of my eyes.
I was awoken by a loud thud and a groan from the other side of the bed....the first thought was hubby must be having one of his nightmares again and rolled off the bed onto the floor. What greeted me was a grisly sight.... he was clutching the right side of his head and blood was gushing out between his fingers! A small pool of deep red blood was already forming on the tile floor. Apparently he was thrown or lifted off the bed, thumped against the wall, his head sliding down and hit the skirting at the bottom of the wall and the sharp tile on the edge on the skirting sliced open his scalp thus producing the gory blood scene! His pagoda t-shirt soon was drenched in blood and the funny thing is that the pillow by his side was still in the same position and not disturbed at all...its like he was lifted over the pillow and smashed against the wall....spooky like now! He later told me that his body felt like floating on air and light before the fall.
Except for our two 19 yr old and 17 yr old kids there were no other adults at home so its up to me to rush him to the Emergency Unit at HRPZ2...mujurlah hospital dekat cuma 2 1/2 km saja dari rumah tapi langgar tiga lampu merah malam tu. The 17 yr old was awake watching the battle between Spain and Portugal whilst the 19 yr old was dead to the world so no need to disturb her. He was immediately wheeled in the moment we reached the Emergency entrance and in the haste to follow him inside and at the same moment from the corner of my eyes I saw a man writhing and groaning on the dark lighted sidewalk and didn't gave it a thought thinking maybe he was kind of a 'disturbed' man trying to find a place to sleep for the night.
The sound of an alarm bell went off a few minutes later when we were inside the treatment room meaning there's an emergency (some kind of commotion outside). While waiting for hubby to be stitched up (luckily he was not warded), a couple of doctors or interns (tak tahu yang mana satu sebab dia orang tak pakai name tag, pakai pun casual like except for their white coats) walked in and one of them asked me what happened to hubby. Saya tanya doktor apa yang kelam kabut di luar tu..rupa-rupanya orang yang saya nampak terguling atas sidewalk tu meninggal dunia. Ceritanya dia hantar seorang ahli keluarga yang sakit tenat ke Unit Kecemasan dan sedang bertarung nyawa di Bilik Tenat tapi dia pulak yang meninggal...sambil ketawa doktor tu kata....mudahnya nak mati! Ya Allah...masa saya nampak orang tu di sidewalk dia sedang nazak... dua kali trauma malam tu! Actually there was a TV room near the entrance and there were some people also watching the Euro Cup and nobody noticed this man struggling for his breath just outside the door on the sidewalk.
Entahlah mungkin ini salah satu Kejahatan Malam yang berlaku pada hubby...walaupun sebelum tidur tiga Qul, ayat kursi sudah dibacanya..Wallahualam....
A week later...after the stitches were taken out yesterday (nine stitches altogether)
Masa kerja di bangunan dewan bahasa dulu, pernah juga dgr org selak kertas, staple kertas mcm editor dok buat kerja, bila tgk takde orang. Terus baca ayat kursi sekuat hati setiap kali langkah masuk pejabat pagi2 buta, baru takde gangguan. masa kat kota bharu dulu, pernah balik ofis waktu senja, Ha kata beratlaa kereta ni, kami pun azan dan baca ayat kerusi sekuat hati, sampai kat simpang cherang tapang, berhenti kereta utk Ha keluar beli makanan, lepas tu kereta rasa ringan, dah keluar agaknya.... masa jaga arwah mok kat hospital kb pula, tak semena-mena arwah bergolek jatuh katil, cepat kilat pula tu, tak dae nak sekat, makcik sebelah katil kata ada hantu raya kat wad tu mujurlaa arwah discharge hari tuh ...aiiii kena bekal ayat quran sebagai pendinding. Masa dok wad freezing room tu, Ha kata asyik pintu bunyi buka tutup tapi missie tak de masuk, kata pesakit lain yang pernah dok dlam bilik tu, dia pula asyik diganggu lampu buka tutup, buka tutup ... lebih seram dari tv 3 malam jumaat ... tapi kita kuat kerana ada ayat suci al quran.
Tu lah kut2 ado hok ikut blk dari Jering Hill hari tu nok kenal KB. Skrg pun dah phobia nak tidur atas katil tu :(
Minta org alim tiup2 supaya hilang gerun tuh.
Keno tengok n pilih2 jugok org alim hok nok tiup2 kito tuh...kut2 keno hok saing nga 'the other world'..paroks lah! anyway we have gone to 2 religious healers (rawatan islam anok murid HD tu) Alhamdulillah tak dok gapo2 pun hok duk ganggu kito.
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